Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Incident Report

My son brought home a Incident report from his school yesterday, I want to share it with you.
Today at recess, a girl classmate of Reed's reported that he told her he wanted to kiss her. The girl reported that she did not like it.

When I talked to Reed, I explained that, at school, it is inappropriate to tell someone that you want to kiss them. Reed understands that kissing a parent or family member is appropriate, but telling classmates that he wants to kiss them may make them feel uncomfortable.

Reed apologized to the student and agreed that, in the future, he will tell students that he wants to be their friend.

Signed , the school counselor

I called the school counselor back and said "He's 6 years old for God's Sake! Back in my day they didn't tell you, they just did it. Look how polite he is!"

What are they going to think when he tells a girl he wants to carry her books?

Signed, the Mom

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What's in your neighborhood?

Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor,
would you be mine, could you be mine?
Things I saw while working today in various neighborhoods..

1. A dead deer
2. Mud
3. Little baby kittens
4, A dog who wanted to play fetch with a beer can.
5. A lady shaking her rugs
6. Horses
7. Old old pea green VW Van
8. A truck dumping corn
9. A guy welding
10. 3 deer heads sitting by the back door. Still had hair on them.
11. The lady at the Starbucks drivethru window.
12. Mailman smoking
13. A house that should be condemned.
14. Swing set and trampoline.
15. A hawk eating a squirrel.
16. Guy driving a forklift.
17. A huge rock, actually I didn't see it, I drove over it first and tore my front bumper off.
18. The drunk guy walking from the liquor store with a 6-pack at 8:10am.
19. Paper snowflakes made by a child hanging in the window.
20. Little kids running to their parents after school.

Another great day!