No one knows much about fulfillment except that it's hard to find, and maybe doesn't exist, and a lot of people who believe in it when they are twenty stop believing in it later on.
Fulfillment is always something the other guy's got, something just over the hill. It's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and catching the brass ring. It's true love, becoming rich, and staying thin. But whatever it is, it always eludes you and keeps you on the run like the carrot on the stick, and even when it bites your line a million times you rarely reel it in.
All of us feel there must be more, but wonder what the more really is, and often the more we yearned for last year isn't enough today. So we wait for something else, something just a little better than what we've got, and often we trade in the thing we have for something we think we should want. We wait for the perfect thing to commit to, the perfect job, the perfect love, and we feel miserable all the while we wait, somehow failing to understand that loneliness lies in the suspended state.
Two Girls!
1 week ago
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